This one movie is enough to describe the whole series. But i read all the books after watching this movie and i was disappointed as many important scenes were omitted and some scenes were completely changed. I am a huge Harry Potter fan. I may not be 10 years old and I may not own a poster of Daniel Radcliff (the young man who plays Harry in the movies) but I am none the less and huge fan of the books and the movies. This being the case, I have anxiously awaited the newest installment in the movie series Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. By far, this was my favorite book after the last installment. This book, to me was where the series transitioned from children's story to a fictional story to be enjoyed by all, young and old. It was with this excitement (and fear that they would mess up my favorite book) that I entered the theater. From the moment the picture started, I was almost in tears. They had taken everything I had read and translated it perfectly onto the screen. The effects, the storyline, all of it was almost exactly how I imagined it. It was like they had jumped into my brain to get my impressions and then added them to the production. I could almost cry it was that great of an interpretation. Now, it was a huge book that was condensed down to 2 1/2 hours of film, so things were cut from the book. but honestly, they weren't really things you would miss nor that would have aided or helped the plot of the movie much. The basic, overall themes were conveyed and kept nicely with the book.My only complaint is Dumbledore. I have officially decided that I dislike the portaryl done by Michael Gambon. I felt moderately this way in the previous film and I now very resolute in this feeling. Dumbledore is no longer the grandfatherly, kind figure that helped Harry through so much in the original 2 movies. He is now more a severe and "dirty" Dumbledore. I dislike the graying of the beard and hair - they should have left it white. I also dislike the robes he wears now. He looks more like an old hippie or member of ZZtop than the Dumbledore I pictured in the books. It is unfortunate that Richard Harris died and they had to replace Dumbledore, but they should have stuck to the character as it was originally instead of trying to rewrite the role. Dumbledore was always one of my favorite people in the books and I now feel like he is my least favorite on screen. If I had the time I would petition to "age" and "re-regalfy" (meaning bring back the long, regal robes in the first 2 movies) this Dumbledore to the point where I feel like he is the true master and leader of Hogwarts and truly loves and cares for all of it's students. Right now, I am just not feeling that vibe.That complaint aside, this is a must-see movie! The scenes of the Tri-Wizard Tournament alone are worth the price of admission. Young, old, boy, girl - EVERYONE will enjoy this movie.
MoviE - CritiC rating - 4.0
The movies that are having lots of advanced pictorial graphics.
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