Again, this movie is enough to describe the whole pirate's of the Caribbean series. First of all I just have to say I LOVE JOHNNY DEPP!!! The man is terrific. He is a fabulous actor, good-looking, smart, funny, good-looking, talented, ageless, and good-looking. No matter what the situation you could dress him up and take him anywhere (or no where). He is perfect! n he is my friend kittu's favorite actor.
Ok, now on with the review.
Overall I enjoyed this movie. It was full of action-packed scenes where I really felt thrilled and excited. The special effects were great and, like the first, dazzled me. However, it felt much more like a tribute to the first film than a full film in it's own right.
This time around the story follows our three main characters (Keira, Orlando and Johnny) trying to avoid the nasty Davy Jones, his curse, and a giant sea monster. The dialogue was not as catchy as the first movie's, so few lines were truly memorable. The acting was good but often felt more improv-based than actually scripted. At times it felt more like the cast was sharing in a personal joke with the audience than acting. More of a, "Hey remember this guy from the first film, where he is again, say hello," than an actual telling of a story that wasn't truly associated with the first film.
The sea monsters that make up the crew of the Flying Dutchman were, however, some of the most amazing costumes, effects and makeup I have seen in a long, long time (at least since LOTR). The captain who is a combination of crab and octopus was impressive but my favorite was the hammer-head shark guy. He looked downright awful and mean. Loved him! There were plenty of other creatures too that captured your imagination. Infact, I hope to rent the movie when it comes out on dvd just so I am pause it at times and look closely at all the various sea monsters. Again however, none of the special effects can make up for the fact that the overall tone of the movie seemed a bit flat and drawn out. At other times I was edge of the seat, eyes darting everywhere trying to watch it all unfold before me. And at the end, I did find myself going, "Wait, that's it? I want more!" .
Anyway, if you are looking to be entertained and are capable of just sitting back and observing without trying to figure it all out or stress the small stuff, then Pirates 2 is worth the time. However, please note that is very much a sequel - feels like, looks like, and sounds like a sequel - so don't be too dissappointed when you notice the Pirates 1 tributes and such. It is just part of the package.
MoviE - CritiC rating - 4.25